I travel quite often, like at least once a month, and airport/airplane food can be quite unhealthy and oftentimes may not have any vegan options. To make sure I don’t go hungry I like to be prepared when I head to the airport. I like items that do not need to be refrigerated, heated up, and are easy to stuff in my backpack.
Nuts: a good old bag of nuts is always a good way to go. My go to grab bag of nuts are unsalted walnuts, almonds, and brazil nuts. Fun Fact: Did you know that eating just two brazil nuts a month can lower your cholesterol?
Justin’s Almond Butter packets: I like to bring a few of these with me because you can grab a bagel at starbucks and add these nut butter packets on your bagel. I like to bring my GG crackers with me and spread almond butter on them. Don’t know about GG crackers? One cracker contains 4 grams of fiber and only 20 calories. I like to eat 4 crackers a day to get an additional fiber intake and they fill you up.
No Cow Protein bar: This protein bar has only 2 grams of sugar and 21 grams of plant protein. My favorite flavor is the peanut butter chocolate chip bar.
Cuties: are the perfect on the go snack because they are small, fresh, and healthy. Since they are small they are easy to travel with, you can stuff 4-5 cuties in your bag and you’re good to go.
Lesser Evil Buddha Bowl Organic Popcorn: Now this is a treat. I love popcorn and this brand is my absolute favorite. My favorite flavor is the Himalayan Gold, it is non-dairy buttery flavor and it’s perfect when you’re on flight watching a movie. I could probably eat like 3 bags of these in one sitting but don’t.
Sriracha packets: Hello, my name is Jenn and I’m addicted to sriracha. That’s right. I love sriracha on everything. I like to have an extra supply with me at all times. Or you can refill little
keychain bottles