Animal Sanctuaries are a safe haven for animals where they receive the best care the facility can provide. If you are unaware of what the difference between an animal shelter and animal sanctuary is, a sanctuary is a place where animals are brought to live and be protected for the rest of their lives until their natural death. Whereas a shelter is a temporary residence for animals until a good home is found. Some shelters even have policies to euthanize any animal that is not claimed quickly enough by a previous or new owner. At a sanctuary, animals are not bought, sold, traded, or used for animal testing. The animals are given the opportunity to behave and live as natural as possible in a safe environment.
Aimee’s Farm Sanctuary is founded by well, Aimee! Aimee has made it her life’s work to help those in need by connecting with farm animals in need. Aimee’s Farm Sanctuary’s mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and spread awareness of animals in need. Aimee has over 100 animals at her farm and each animal has a story on how they arrived at their forever home.
Moothias is a dwarf Hereford cattle who came from a breeder who raises these animals for meat. However she and her husband had a connection to him due to his small size and was happy to find an animal sanctuary where Moothias can live his life out naturally.
"He has been an amazing advocate here for spreading awareness how wonderful cattle are alive, how they are not much different than dogs, and how snuggling one will last a lifetime of joyful memories vs a 5 minute dinner on someone’s plate. He has truly opened the eyes to so many non vegans!" - Aimee.
A cow’s natural lifespan is 20 to 25 years but dairy cows are considered "worn out" at 5 years old by the strain of constant milk and calf production and are slaughtered. Beef cattle are slaughtered between 1 and 2 years of age.
The average dairy cow consumes more than 100 pounds of food per day and drinks up to 40 gallons of water per day. Which is why the animal agriculture is responsible for two-thirds of all freshwater consumption in the world today. One pound of beef requires 1,799 gallons of water to produce and a gallon of cow’s milk a staggering 880 gallons.
Oliver was referred to Aimee’s sanctuary by a newly vegan veterinarian student who was able to talk Oliver’s owner into not killing him due to his handicaps. When Oliver arrived to Aimee’s he was the size of a football and could not walk, had a lung infection and X rays showed he has an enlarged heart. The vet gave him a one year life expectancy. He needed oxygen for a couple days and many breathing treatments. Now, over a year later at 450 pounds, he runs, plays and is thriving!
Oliver’s defects are not uncommon in animals in the meat industry. Pigs are injected with growth hormones to be genetically modified to grow rapidly. This takes a terrible toll on their bodies and a lot of suffering before the animal gets slaughtered for bacon.
Oliver is a perfect spokespig to visitors of Aimee’s who all are enamored with his big floppy ears and love for belly rubs. People realize after meeting a hog where their bacon, ham and sausage come from and suddenly isn't so appetizing anymore, which is Olivers objective when he meets people to help them make that connection.
Azalea was a stray turkey. A kind woman brought her to Aimee’s after finding Azalea running loose on the street. Now, She is safe at Aimee’s and is an amazing spokesturkey with her curiosity, gentle nature and snuggles.
Turkeys are intelligent animals who enjoy having their feathers stroked and love listening to music. In nature, they can fly 55 miles an hour, run 35 miles an hour, and live up to 10 years. But at just 5 to 6 months young, turkeys are sent to the slaughterhouse.
Three hundred million turkeys are killed in the U.S. each year, many for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Turkeys are bred, drugged, and genetically manipulated to grow as large as possible as quickly as possible. Because of this artificial manipulation, turkeys’ legs often break beneath them. In 1970, the average turkey raised for meat weighed 17 pounds. Today, turkeys average 28 pounds.
I love visiting animal sanctuaries because you get to connect with the animals on a deeper level. You see how happy the animals are and so trusting with humans because they understand that they are loved and not threatened. Animal sanctuaries bring so much awareness to anyone who visits especially children. As long as humans continue to mishandle and exploit the animals of our planet, sanctuaries will be needed. Be kind to every kind.
Thank you Aimee for a magic time at your sanctuary!