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Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018

New memories, New adventures, New goals.

Back in 2016, my New Year’s resolution was to be more “selfish”. My entire life I did what other people told me to do, I was a push over, I let people walk all over me. In my relationships, friendships, and work. I realized quality of life is what was most important to me and I wanted to be happy and be myself and do whatever I wanted to do. I started saying no, I started working less, I started traveling, and enjoying my life.

So for the year 2018, I want to focus on taking care of myself inside as well as the outside of my body, in particular my skin. I want to combat anti-aging, and stay looking 25 forever. I want to try out new anti-aging remedies, products, and see what works best for me. I just finished reading “Younger” by Dr. Lancer, and I’ve started his Anti-aging three step method, and I can already see a difference. For Christmas I got a Clarisonic facial massager and what this tool does is targets signs of aging on the face and neck. And my last goal for more self love is to get a facial and a massage once a month. I never took the time to schedule in these in for myself because I never felt like I needed them, but over time as I’m increasing my fitness, I can see why these two will benefit my body and mind.

Drink more water, like a lot more

This goes hand in hand with anti-aging because water is obviously really important for your skin. I have noticed when I am dehydrated my skin is extra creasy when I put makeup on. I want to drink more water not just for my skin but for my health. I want to feel good inside and out. By helping me drink more water I got cute water bottles as a reminder to keep drinking water throughout the day.

Write in my journal. Everyday.

Even if I don’t have anything to say, I just want to write down a quote or a feeling about that day. I want to have an outlet and a place that I can be creative on paper. I love cute little notebooks, just seeing them makes me feel creative. My goal this year is to write more. More blogs and more creative content.


I started meditating with the headspace app last year (2017). I really enjoy taking 15 minutes everyday for myself because it’s a really great way to get some “headspace” for yourself.  My goal for 2018 is to continue headspace everyday.

I’ve been vegetarian since 2010, and every once in awhile I added in fish into my diet. In August 2017, I cut out all dairy and fish completely and became 100% plant based. Going vegan has been the easiest choice I’ve made and I feel really good about it, not only physically but also mentally because I know that I’m not harming any living creatures when I eat. As I learn more about the health benefits of eating whole plant based foods, I also become aware of the benefits of the cruelty free lifestyle. I feel like a hypocrite if I’m wearing leather but refuse to consume animal products. This is a lifestyle choice I would like to learn more about and begin a cruelty free life.


Left:2016 Right: 2017

I have fitness goals just like everyone. I am challenging myself this year to achieve these goals. I am currently weighing in at 120 lbs and 27% body fat. My goal is to weigh in at 110 lbs and 20% body fat. How am I going to achieve this? Well I already eat pretty healthy so I know I just need to get out of my comfort zone in the fitness world. I’m going to change up my fitness routine and see what works for me and I know I am going to try my hardest to achieve this goal this year. Who’s with me? (To read about my health & fitness story here)

Always invest in yourself first. Do what makes you happy. Set goals to help motivate yourself for success. Happy New Year, I hope 2018 brings you love, happiness, laughter, and success.

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